"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe" (Proverbs 18:10).
Some people complain about the world, about the planet. But we really have nothing to complain about. The world is imperfect, because we, the people, live in it. Yet, we are welcome to embrace the Lord in all His splendor. For some of us, He is our resting place, our refuge, and our safe place to dwell. He's a strong tower for sure, but not literally, because that would be too small for His majesty. Spiritually and figuratively, because He's king of all kings and Lord of all Lords, plus much more. No one can really explain Him in His entirety. He's just that awesome, for lack of a better word. Walking through life without Him would be like being lost in space.
Just know He's there for His children anytime. His spirit and His light never runs out. His presence is everywhere. You want His covering? Ask Him into your heart as you believe and confess with your mouth that He is Lord and was raised from the dead (for us), as well as, ask for His forgiveness for living a life without Him as your strong tower. Then you will have access to Him 24/7 too.
You want to walk with power, peace, and boldness all at the same time? Salvation will give you that and Romans 10:9/10 is a good start.

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