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Showing posts from August, 2020

Protecting My Peace - Day 91 - Things That Are Not Ideal Can Change for the Better

Click to listen to today's podcast episode. How are the things in your life? Do you like what you have? Don't have? Whatever the answer, just know that things change. Let's take things that may not be ideal right now Like maybe you have a less than desirable house, car, or whatever. Know that as long as you speak positive over your situation, believe in yourself, and of course believe God, then grind as much as possible, things will change. They really will. If you can't do all of those things at once (speak, believe, and grind), I totally get it. I completely understand. It was hard for me at one time in my life too. Yet, what I did know is that the things I was lacking was temporary. That's right, I knew God would make a way out of no way, I knew my situation would change, and I believed I would get better. Things eventually improved in my life and things will improve in your life too.  Continue having faith. Faith is never overrated. Faith moves mountains. Rememb

Protecting My Peace - Day 90 - Our Mental and Physical Place in Life Can Always Improve

Click to listen to today's podcast episode. Are you in a mental or physical place and you would rather be somewhere else? If so, I totally understand. I totally get it. Yet, we have to continue going forward no matter where we find ourselves. We have to push through, because we can achieve what we want regardless of the people, places, and things around us.  I remember being in a state and city I disliked and no matter how much I tried to like it, I never did and never will. It was so much different than who I was, but I made the best of it, because I always knew it was temporary. I continued to work hard on my dreams and I did achieve great things there. But when it time to go I pretty much ran to a place I wanted to be. And when I got to that new place, my mental health got better, because I was happier there. I was like a fish in water and big things started happening.  What I'm saying is that even though we may find ourselves in a mental or physical place, we don't have

Protecting My Peace - Day 89 - Don't Let People Stop Your Flow

Click to listen to today's podcast episode. When it comes to ensuring your peace is paramount, don't let people, places, and things stop you, your flow, or your grind. Stay focused on the great places you're going and where God is taking you. If anyone is trying to discourage you, don't let them get into your head. Look straight -- look vertically -- look towards heaven and stay connected to where God is taking you.  Years ago I used to let people stop my gifts and talents, because of what they said or didn't say and I don't want that to happen with you. I went through all I went through to tell you, you don't have to go through stagnation in your gifts, because of a bunch of chickens who are afraid of eagles.  Fly eagle, fly. Free  Protecting My Peace Workbook

Protecting My Peace - Day 88 - Are We Minding Our Business?

Click to listen to today's podcast episode. When it comes to our business, are we minding it? Are we minding our business literally and figuratively? It's about spending time with people who mind their business, figuratively and literally. It’s about being around people who lift people up, not tear them down. It’s about being around people who bring peace and goodness in the world. It’s about being around people who are building their empires, not tearing them down. It’s about being around people who want to share with entrepreneurs and learn from entrepreneurs. That’s what it’s about: spending time with people who mind their business. Free  Protecting My Peace Workbook