Do you know the bible, the word of God, is sharper than two any edged sword? Yes, Hebrews 4:12 says that. And Luke 11:28 says "blessed rather are those who hear [read] the word of God and keep it!” It goes without saying that the more we read the word of God, the more blessed we will be, right? There's no denying that faith comes by hearing and reading the word of God. If we want to hear from God and what He has for our lives, we have to become familiar with His word -- the bible. He doesn't speak as powerful through any other book. We have to read it and continue to go where we can hear it.
The bottom line is, we are what we hear, read, and see. Proverbs 23:7 says we are what we think about. I don't know about you, but I rather think and act more on the Lord than anyone or anything else. I figure I can't wrong that way. What about you?
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