Some time ago I wrote a blog post titled, Get Out the Boat.

That post talked about Matthew 14:22-36, which was mostly about Jesus telling Peter that it was ok for Peter to get out of the boat to go to Jesus. That it was ok for Peter to walk on the water as he went towards Jesus. That it was ok for Peter to put all his faith in Jesus. That is was ok for Peter to take a chance to do something miraculous, to do something that defied ordinary belief, and to do something most men didn't believe could be done. Peter started out well and actually walked on the water, but when he started getting distracted by all the wind and such, he began to sink and veer off from his goal. He was no longer focused on the task at hand -- to get to Jesus. As a result, Jesus had to save and rescue him back to the boat. For starters, I like that Peter actually got out of the boat; I like that he walked on water even if for a moment, and I like that he was going towards Jesus. Those things took much faith and I like that Peter at least tried. That counts for much in my eyes.
How many of us have been Peters? I know I have. I have gotten distracted so much in my life, that I can be classified as the absolute queen of distractions. Yet, those distractions will not stop me (anymore) from achieving the things the Lord has for me. I know that more than ever today. What about yourself? What do you know for sure?
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