Which way are you going?
All in the name of faith -- the substance/confidence of things hoped for, the evidence/proof of things we can't see (Hebrews 11:1).

Forward or backwards? Up or down? Only one way is clear and we know which way, don't we? There is nothing behind us, but the past and the past has already happened, so there's nothing to do about that, nor should we want to. It happened for a reason. And down...do I really need to address that? Ok I will, but reluctantly. There is nothing down, but despair and destruction. That means down is not where God is. Up is where God is, because up is the light (John 8:12). Up is creation, restoration, healing, hope, building, improvement...all things good and it never ends. So please don't go backwards and please don't look down.
Look up and trust and believe in the God who will make greatness happen -- faith-walking.
Faith-walking is just what it sounds like. It's walking forward even though we have no idea how God will do what He said He would do. It's doing all we can do in our own power, to get closer to our goals and dreams. It's walking up the staircase even when we can't see beyond the last step. It's making a big splash to improve someone else's life with the gifts (skills/talents) we've been given. Surely you didn't think living your dreams was purely about you, did you? Oh no no no, that's not how the Lord works. He wants us to be fruitful in order to make others fruitful and that goes on for the rest of our lives. Good fruit bearing good fruit bearing good fruit...
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