Wait on God and don't do what I used to. Don't rush Him. Be yielded to His spirit. I want to encourage you in this area, because there was a time when I used to make rash and quick decisions instead of waiting on what the Lord had to say about it. Mind you, I'm not necessarily talking about God's audible voice that comes telling me what to do (although that has happened). I'm talking about praying and thinking on a certain situation and having clarity about what to do and how to proceed. God will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding when you wait on Him. When that happens, it's another way God has spoken. For, He speaks in so many ways.
When we wait on God, we practice gaining wisdom and we get used to doing things that give us more leverage and staying power. We stumble much less than we used to and our mistakes start becoming less and less. Isn't God great? I'm grateful for waiting on Him, because it's wonderful to know that I can tap into the spirit of the Lord just by praying, waiting, then acting.
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