Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post.
God does everything in excellence, doesn't He? So we have a great and majestic role model.
God is not at all a half-stepper. And He's not a man that lies, so when He does things He does things just as His word says, in order and perfectly. He operates in a way where people take notice. When God is in it, it is build like a rock. Yes He's God like that and His standards of excellence are the highest ever. And since we are children of the Most High, we have the ability (and responsibility) to do things as He would -- to the best of our ability.
Yet, I have to start with myself and honestly and personally stating that, sometimes doing everything in order, is easier said than done. There was a time a couple of years ago when I just sat around and didn't move on my gifts. I was lazy and inconsistent. TV, radio, and the internet were my fake-friends and I didn't read on a normal schedule either. So it's no wonder I didn't really get any traction in obtaining all God had for me, right? And although I still have a long walk, I'm glad I am finally going forward and tapping into the Lord's best for me. There comes a time when we get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Today I'm tapping into the excellence He already has laid out for me. Today I have cracked through the standards set by God and I'm striving everyday. I thank God for His grace. I'm so appreciative of it and appreciative of a God who is an awesome God. "Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" (Psalm 8:9). How about you? Do you have a relationship with the Lord? Are you walking in the plan of the Lord for your life? I certainly hope you're on that path and further along than I was, because I don't want anyone else wasting the time I did not moving. God wants excellence for us and it's time to start going for all He has planned for us, which is much.

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