Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post.
Isaiah 61:7 says "Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours." So, there you have it. There's no shame in your game. There's no shame or disgrace in the life you've live. It's been lived, what happened happened. There's no erasing anything. And there's no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). He has wiped the slate clean and you have been forgiven for everything (Hebrews 10:17/18). He will give turn your mourning into gladness and sorrow into comfort and joy (Jeremiah 31:13b). You are created new in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17).
So you see, there is absolutely no shame in your game. Don't bother looking back. Keep going forward. If you find your mind wandering back, immediately shift it to something new and fresh. Don't stay back there. Life offers us more abundance, more joy, and more peace. Focus on those things. God has preserved your life -- my life -- for a reason and we have even more to offer people through our testimony, which wasn't for nothing. It was such a time as the time it will be for. It's time to start walking in the authority the Lord has given us. Walk in your victory.
So you see, there is absolutely no shame in your game. Don't bother looking back. Keep going forward. If you find your mind wandering back, immediately shift it to something new and fresh. Don't stay back there. Life offers us more abundance, more joy, and more peace. Focus on those things. God has preserved your life -- my life -- for a reason and we have even more to offer people through our testimony, which wasn't for nothing. It was such a time as the time it will be for. It's time to start walking in the authority the Lord has given us. Walk in your victory.

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