Proverbs 19:23 says, "the fear of the Lord leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied; he will not be visited by harm." That verse is not talking about being afraid of God. Nor is it saying our life will be perfect. It's saying we should respect God's authority over our lives and have a healthy fear of Him in order that we remain committed and submitted to Him. God is ruler over our lives, for our life is not our own (Jeremiah 10:23). And when we acknowledge Him as our Lord and Savior, we are better able to withstand life's challenges that will surely come. God will hold us close and He will be with us to give us strength as His love envelopes us. I have seen that happen time and time in my life and in so many others. God is real, people.
A reverence of the Lord and being in His kingdom brings us spiritual (and natural) riches and glory. Remember, God is an unlimited God who never ceases to amaze. He performs miracles and wonders that defy reason. So, yes, reverencing the Most High is not difficult at all. It's a welcome blessing that comes with being a child of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. #blessed
Hear what Sha Sha has to say about reverencing God. Sha Sha is my avatar, so her face is based on my face and the voice you hear is actually me speaking through her.
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