Glorifying God is the key to doing all He has blessed us to do. That means being inconvenienced if needed. That means smiling when we feel like crying. That means getting up when we feel like staying in bed with the covers over our heads. It all means forcing ourselves to do and be until it becomes second nature or habit. We must remain strong in body and spirit. We're not here solely for ourselves. We're here to help others so others can help others. We're here for people to see God's glorious light, because He is the light of the world and whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (John 8:12).
When we move over, God takes over. Then we can watch Him in action. Glorying Him is what's important and let no one, no place, or no thing get in your way of keeping Him first. God will do what He set out to do in your life. No worries, just keep glorifying Him.

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