Warriors, fighters, or contenders, never leave home without their game face on.
They go out with their armor and sometimes that involves putting their dukes up -- putting their boxing gloves on. Where warriors go, all types of weapons are needed. Their game face is multifaceted and even if they have a smile on their face, they are always ready to defend what they stand for. They uplift people in order for them to see and experience Jesus in some way. Warriors fight to uphold the name of Jesus and when they fight they do it firmly, tastefully and respectfully just as Jesus would. There is indeed a way to fight smart. Jesus did it when He walked the earth in order that we could and would do the same. He fought for us, His people, to be able to walk freely in order for all men to be drawn to Him. There are no inhibitions with Jesus. Everyone can and should become warriors for Him.
And since we were all born in His image and He is a warrior, it's automatic that we are also. "The Lord is a warrior; Yahweh is his name!" (Exodus 15:3). This goes out to all the warriors
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