All of us are called to do something to help people.
That was one of the reasons Noah was called. He was the only righteous man the Lord could find, so in Genesis 6, the Lord flooded the earth and called (and chose) Noah to be the one He established His covenant with. What a feat to be such a leader of so much and so many who would come after Him. Noah's purpose was clear.
We have all been called on this earth for a purpose. Our purpose is to help draw men unto the Lord Jesus Christ. None of us are here by accident. We're here, because God created us to make an impact and to be used. Moreover, we're here to build the "house" of the Lord. The house of the Lord is not just His physical house. It's His kingdom. Just as God called Noah to be fruitful and multiply, He calls us to do the same, so I have a question for you? What are you doing to help others see Jesus? I'm curious. I'd like to know. I know some of you are movers and shakers in the kingdom, but some of you are not. Yet that can change right now.
It starts with establishing contact with God and maintaining that relationship (on-going communication) with Him. We can fulfill what God wants us to do. We can walk in everything He has for us, because we were called by God to walk in our destiny.

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