Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post below.
Do you dream? I'm not talking about when you close your eyes at night and go to la la land. I'm talking about during much of the waking hours. Do you dream?
Do you know we have to be careful around the people who tell us we're crazy for pursuing a dream they don't understand? If God birthed a dream in you, then He wants it to come to fruition for His glory. Not to make a others comfortable with what God called you to do. If God signed off on it, it's good to go. Some people are scared to live out their own dreams and sometimes that gets in the way of us living out ours. We can't let that distract us from being all God called us to be. Who did God put you on earth to bless with the life He gave you? What have you gone through? How can you connect with others based on your walk? Your answers to those questions are just a snippet of why God put that dream in you. He wants you to be blessed to be a blessing. That means the Lord will give you abundant resources in order to help you, help people. 2 Corinthians 9:8 says, "God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." Isn't Jesus awesome? Continue to dream.

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