Steadfast -- that's a great word for the people who are determined, unstoppable, unmovable, and unshakable when it comes to having faith, serving, and staying true to the Lord God. You can't let life's struggles, pain, challenges, hurt, setbacks, and sorrow stop you from knowing God doesn't give any of us more than we can handle. He's with us every step of the way, because He still has a great plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11).
Being steadfast is another term for being faithful that God is not going to leave you in a state of despair, despondency, or a place of helplessness. Do you believe that? You have to believe it, because God acts on our faith -- belief and trust that He will do all the great things He said He would do in our lives. We have to be steadfast in our faith in Him. There's a story in the bible (Mark 5:25-34) about a woman who had an issue with blood. She bled for 12 years and went to many doctors who could not heal her. In fact she got worse. Twelve years. Yet she didn't let up in her faith that she would be healed. When she had an encounter with Jesus -- when she was so desperate for Him, she touched his garments -- enough to make her well by His power. And when she touched His clothes, immediately the blood stopped. When Jesus realized what happened he said, "go in peace, your faith has made you well" (v 34). Just that quick her suffering stopped. She was steadfast, determined, unstoppable, unmovable, and unshakable in her faith.
What if your blessing is also in your next faith move?

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