Stay connected -- to the people who mean something. Stay connected to quality and positive people.
There was one time when I flew solo. In other words I had retreated inside myself and kept myself at a distance from people, because I had gotten hurt by people I trusted, that I decided whomever I "befriended" I would distrust until I felt close enough to trust them. Sometimes I was just expecting them to mess up by betraying my trust, lying, or spreading gossip, so I wouldn't allow myself to get that close to them. The drawback in that was that I isolated myself to a certain extent and although I was around people, I was often alone in a crowd. Then I got wind of Proverbs 18:1 that says, "whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment." And I was like 'oh wow, that's me. I'm operating in pride and selfishness.' I got enlightened and I realized that it wasn't all about me and my hurt. It was about continuing to put myself out there by making myself friendly and letting the chips fall where they may. I started trusting people more -- within reason -- comon' now, I wasn't going in with blind trust. Then I started noticing something. I started to notice I had more friends and I had healthier relationships. I was starting to make more connections and even though I will probably never be a full fledged extrovert, I'm seeing the fruits of that labor. Even my blog and my podcast are a departure from the Sharon of yesteryear. That Sharon would have never put her life out there. But what trauma, heartache, setbacks, mistakes, and pain have taught me, is that I have to be vulnerable in order to help people. I have to trust God even if I don't understand everything. That's what In Sharon's Heart is all about -- trusting in the Lord and telling you what lives in my heart in order to help people with their faith and confidence. Remember, there was a time when I didn't have either, but God is an awesome God and He reigns from heaven above. He will do it.
So today I'm free from the cares of the world. I'm free to tell you about my life if it will help you with yours. Now I'm willing to take more wise chances with people and risk everything. That way we both win. That's faith and it's what's necessary if we want to be emotionally whole. We simply have to trust God more. Period. I say all of that to say it's not about us. It's about connecting our lives with others so they too will be strengthened in the Lord. So they too will be free indeed to enjoy all that the Lord has for them by sharing their lives with others. If you're going through something similar, just know there's hope. It's just all about making connections -- the right connections. You're going to make it.

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