Jesus is the Great Redeemer. "And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption..." 1 Corinthians 1:30a.
I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt. It doesn't matter whether or not anyone understands that. That's part of the problem, isn't it? Just about everybody wants to understand every single thing that happens or doesn't happen. News flash: you won't understand everything. We're not God. We didn't create the world. We have no idea why things happen and why they don't. And we have to be ok with that. Life will be so much better to relieve ourselves of such a responsibility and accept that fact. If not, such a mindset will lead to a life of misery, because we won't have the ability to figure certain things out.
I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt. It doesn't matter whether or not anyone understands that. That's part of the problem, isn't it? Just about everybody wants to understand every single thing that happens or doesn't happen. News flash: you won't understand everything. We're not God. We didn't create the world. We have no idea why things happen and why they don't. And we have to be ok with that. Life will be so much better to relieve ourselves of such a responsibility and accept that fact. If not, such a mindset will lead to a life of misery, because we won't have the ability to figure certain things out.
That's why we have One God, One Jesus. That's why it's ok to boast in Him. It's allowed. "...so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:30b)
If we will just let go and let God, we will be more at peace with not trying to know everything. All we have to know is that our Redeemer lives yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And if our Redeemer lives and He lives in us, that means he will redeem us whenever we need Him to.
That's so awesome.
That's so awesome.

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