There are some of us who will never dip our foot in the water of uncertainty, much less both feet.
We will only go but so far, but don't you know that's not living? That's only taking life to a certain point and going no farther. Let me tell you, God doesn't operate in us knowing what tomorrow will bring. Yes, we may claim it and speak it, but there are no guarantees that what we want will happen. It's all up to the Lord and what He wants. He can either want what we want or not, but He knows what we need. That's for sure. We can guarantee that much. So, by all means continue to speak things in faith. That's great and God can use us when we trust him completely. That's wonderful.
Yet, what this blog post is really speaking to are those with overly cautious and extremely safe mindsets. The people who want what they want and limit themselves in thinking that if they don't get exactly want they want the way they want it, they won't take it any other way. Did you get all that? Ok, let me make it clearer for you. I know a person who is afraid to do just about everything. This person hardly wants to go anywhere or do anything out of his or her comfort zone. The person thinks there is only one way to do things and is closed to venturing out. She or he thinks great things will fall from the sky with nice tidy little bows attached to them. But God doesn't work like Burger King. We can't have it our way whenever we want it. We have to have an open mind to what God's will is for our life, not try to create it. That involves total trust. Total faith (Hebrews 11:1).
How can we get all God has for us if we're not willing to risk it all? No risk, no reward. We have to go into the deep and trust that He will be with us the entire time. He will. Having an open mind and allowing Him to work in our lives is paramount to getting what He has for us. If not, we will only get but so far and I don't know about you, but I don't want to live a life like that. I want all He has for me and I'm totally open to it. How about you?

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