Do you need a change? Do you have things in your life that you need to move on from? Are those things people, places, things, emotions? Whatever they are, seek first God and godly counsel before any rash decisions. There was a time in my life when I moved too fast on certain things and they ended up costing me. However, if the Lord is saying you need that change — that move — than perhaps now may be your time. Since
2 Corinthians 5:17 says that if anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation, then that means we may have some old things we need to get rid of, right? Perhaps they are in our way, because they were supposed to be long gone at this point.
If we are asking ourselves why we are still in a certain place, dealing with certain things, putting up with certain people, what good purpose they serve, or even why we continue feeling a certain unnecessary emotion, then we may have some deleting to do. And it's ok, because seasons change and this may be a good time to do some intense soul searching. It may be a good time to move on to the new creations God created in us.
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