There are so many instances where the little things we say and do can make somebody's day. You've heard the phrase, "somebody's trash is somebody's treasure" right? Well, it's true. What you give away without giving much thought to -- the little things that are easily overlooked -- can be a saving grace for somebody who really needed what you didn't think twice about. Imagine what would happen if we put a little bit more thought into what we just give out into the world. More people would be blessed by us, because we would make it a point for that to happen. So, don't despise the little things, the small things, or the things that don't make that much of an uproar. Zechariah 4:10 says, don't despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. The small things can make a huge difference in somebody's life. Don't minimize your impact.
To add more encouragement, I would like you to hear what my avatar has to say about it. Her name is Sha Sha and the voice you hear is actually me speaking through her. Sha Sha is awesome. Check out what she has to say about the little things:

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