Do you have a vision for your life or do you just go with whatever the flavor of the day is? Do you just flow with whatever comes your way? I ask you this, because we all have a vision. We all have a purpose. For this blog post I'm using vision and purpose interchangeably.
We must know why we're here or we are just walking the earth with no real direction. We think we're going somewhere and we're not. I went to an event yesterday with up and coming female entrepreneurs. The event organizer was a female empowering the women who supported her vision. The women were vendors selling their product, establishing relationships, and many female customers came to support the vision of the event organizer. They showed up. I loved it. I bet each person there had a vision of their own too.
Proverbs 29:18 says that without a vision, the people perish. Live your vision and support another's.
We must know why we're here or we are just walking the earth with no real direction. We think we're going somewhere and we're not. I went to an event yesterday with up and coming female entrepreneurs. The event organizer was a female empowering the women who supported her vision. The women were vendors selling their product, establishing relationships, and many female customers came to support the vision of the event organizer. They showed up. I loved it. I bet each person there had a vision of their own too.
Proverbs 29:18 says that without a vision, the people perish. Live your vision and support another's.

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