Where are all the grinders? Will all the grinders please stand up!
Unfortunately they're not many since the laborers are few, but the harvest is plentiful (Matthew 9:35-38). That's what Jesus told the disciples when He was moved by the people -- the lost souls, who were treated harshly and were helpless. That means that they were probably homeless, having a difficult time, mistreated, and underestimated by many people who came in contact with them. That was unacceptable to Jesus and it should be to us too. Where are all the grinders? The laborers? Are you with Jesus? He's wondering.
Jesus wants grinders, but not only as it pertains to handling our business -- the entrepreneurs. He wants us to ensure that on our way to our destination we continuously think about the people we will encounter. For starters, grinding ain't easy. Working in those fields is not a joke. I'm going to tell you that right now. And thinking about others and doing for others even when we're inconvenienced, is not a game either. Yet it must be done.
So, I ask you again, where are all the grinders? The laborers? There's a plentiful harvest to be gotten. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get it? If so, let's do this and "therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers [grinders] into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38).

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