Do you know you're gifted? Yes, you have at least one special gift the Lord has blessed you with and He wants you to use it to be a blessing to people. It doesn't matter how small you think that gift is. In God's eyes it's huge, because He made it in you. He birthed it in you. Remember this: we were all made in His image (Genesis 1:26/27) before the sin/fall of man. Yet and still, wouldn't it make perfect sense that we were perfectly crafted to do something amazing in this world just as Jesus did? No, of course there is only one Jesus, yet we can function with His power that lives in us. But that's only if He lives in us. It's a free choice each of us has in order to fully function in our gifting in order to help others fulfill their purpose on earth. That's one instance of being fruitful and multiplying.
What I'm trying to convey here is that we must use the gift(s) God has given us or somebody else will. Why? Well, the short answer is easy. It's because God's will, will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).
I hope you will be the one who does what was birth in you to do.

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