got a great message from God yesterday. It came through Pastor Michael
Henderson of New Beginnings Church in Matthews, NC. If you're ever in the Charlotte area, swing by and say hello. God definitely dwells there.
the message was about David (1 Samuel 16) and how he was rejected by
his family when God chose him to be the next king. David was an outcast,
he was different, he was alone, and perhaps weird by some. But God --
God would eventually use David in a mighty way.
When Samuel, the priest and prophet went to David's house to anoint the next king, all of David's 8 tall and handsome brothers came in one by one thinking they would be the chosen one, but God rejected all of them and chose short ruddy outcast David. David was the one -- the next future king -- the powerful leader of God's people.
God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34) and He will use who He chooses whenever He chooses. Case closed. The timely
message sent by God to Pastor Henderson was another reminder of how God exalts, elevates, and promotes the rejected,
cast aside, and overlooked. It doesn't matter what one looks like or what they've done, God knows what is best and His ways are perfect.
I don't know about you, but I needed to hear those words from God and I wanted to tell you about the message just in case you needed to hear them too. And to think I almost missed the service yesterday. The way I almost missed
it has never happened before. Ever. Yet nothing can stop what God wants
to get to us, right? The Lord said, 'not so, Sharon is going to hear
this today.' I'm glad I made it, because the message was further confirmation about what God was going to do in my life. I hope it also confirms something you need, as well.
So, whether we're feeling anything like David was, God says you and I matter. And He has already chosen the ones He is going to use to make an impact in this world. He wants more people who are willing to be used. He wants more people who will stay with Him no matter what.
He wants more people to which He can say, you're the one.

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