Years ago I was told to take off my running shoes and to stop running away from what God told me to do. A man of God stopped me in my tracks and told me to start doing what I was supposed to be doing and what the Lord was going to do as a result. I had gotten such confirmations several times before and after that, to which I am finally doing what I'm supposed to be doing -- blogging, publishing books (primarily ebooks), and I will start speaking more to people about the goodness of God; what He's done in my life; and what He will also do in your life. If you've been coming to my blog long enough, you are pretty familiar to my testimony and the goodness of Jesus.
So, why did I title this blog post, "Go Get It"? Well, I think it's pretty clear, don't you? It's about taking off your running shoes if you must, and sitting still long enough to hear what God says about your next move. I can assure you He will confirm what is already in your heart to do and He will show you what to do next, then next, then next. No, He won't give you the complete road map, but He will get you started in the right direction and He will continue to direct you if you accept His lead. Remember what I often say, 'yes He's God, but He gives us free will, which is the choice to be chosen.' I hope your choice is to get whatever it is He has already stored up for you. Go get it, because that will be the only way you will really be able to help yourself and those who want what you have to give them. You will know that based on the Godly motives that live inside you and your past.
Let God use you to be a blessing to others. He knows what He wants for you. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). Thus, His word to the people who were exiled to Babylon still hold true for us today. Again, what has He told you to do?
Go get it.

Go get it.

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