"Seek for the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:33).
How hungry are you for a life better that what you're living? Jesus will get you there. He died so we wouldn't have to. He took all of our sin and mess-ups and carried them for us. He loved us that much and not one of us is deserving of how much He bestows His love on us. Some of us acknowledge Him and seek Him out and some never acknowledge Him. Yet He's full of goodness, grace, favor, and mercy. We just go about our day never seeking Him for guidance and direction over our lives. We think we have it all figured out. We're adults and nobody can tell us nothing. We're educated so we know what's best. We're wealthy so we don't need anybody, not even God.
Boy ole boy do we have it twisted.
We simply exist because God allows us to. We have what we have because He is a loving God. None of it just happened by luck or coincidence. Those things don't exist with God. You're reading this, because He is allowing you to and everything you've done before and will do after is because God is in control of your every move. Once you recognize that if you haven't already, you will have opened eyes. It's about asking, seeking, and knocking -- "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7-14).
The Lord is available if you're looking for Him.

For daily encouragement, visit and share this blog, my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, & Snapchat: InSharonsHeart.
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