Do you have anything formidable facing you? Do you have anything that is coming at you full force and you don't know what to do about it? Are you confronting anything in your life that is the biggest challenge you ever encountered before? Well if any of those answers is a yes, I am coming to tell you that you can and will overcome anything you're facing. You can and will be able to say goodbye to Egypt, which can symbolize any obstacle, problem, or challenge you're facing today that is trying to stop what the Lord has for your life.
I know, because I saw the hand of God move in my life many times. And I know the power of the Lord is real. There was one time when I was close to losing my house. I had gotten behind on my mortgage and I had gotten a foreclosure letter in the mail with the date my house was going to be on the chopping block. In going back and forth in conversations and paperwork with the bank, it seemed nothing was working in my favor. I would send in the correct paperwork and the bank would oftentimes say they never received them. I could barely sleep. It was a pretty rough time for me. Then one time during the midnight hour something happened. I heard the voice of God. He said. "you will not lose your house." It was nothing scary. Just the opposite. It was a loving smooth voice. It was clear to me that it was the voice of God. Then a few months later I got a call from the bank with a woman on the other side of the line saying she had good news for me. She was so excited about what she was about to tell me, that I had to force myself to be excited for her. You see, I already knew what the Lord told me and I was expecting nothing less.
So, listen, there is no need to fear anything, anyone, or any place that's coming against you. The Lord says, "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14:13-14). That means don't worry about Egypt. Egypt could be anyone, anything, or any place that has held you back or is trying to hold you back. The Lord your God is saying, fear not, I'm going to free you from that pesky, loathsome, evil Egypt. If that place is trying to stop your flow, I'm going to release the hold it's trying to put on you. I'm going to free you from that bond that is trying to stick to you, by that worthless place, because I have a land that is flowing with the greatness I've told you about; the place you've dreamed about; the people you've imagined, and the things you've had in your heart for a very long time. Yes, I'm going to give you a vast land flowing flowing flowing with much milk that will be nourishing to your body and abundant honey, which will be great for your soul. Oh yes you're in there. All that misery, pain, and bondage are now over. I am parting the Red Sea for you and there is nothing anybody can do to catch you. No need to even attempt to look back, because you will never see them again and they will never see you either. Your peace, your blessed dwelling place, and your time of harvest has finally come. I am the Lord God who has made it so for you. Thus, the Lord wants us to remember that and to remember Him also as we say goodbye for good, Egypt. Bye girl.

I know, because I saw the hand of God move in my life many times. And I know the power of the Lord is real. There was one time when I was close to losing my house. I had gotten behind on my mortgage and I had gotten a foreclosure letter in the mail with the date my house was going to be on the chopping block. In going back and forth in conversations and paperwork with the bank, it seemed nothing was working in my favor. I would send in the correct paperwork and the bank would oftentimes say they never received them. I could barely sleep. It was a pretty rough time for me. Then one time during the midnight hour something happened. I heard the voice of God. He said. "you will not lose your house." It was nothing scary. Just the opposite. It was a loving smooth voice. It was clear to me that it was the voice of God. Then a few months later I got a call from the bank with a woman on the other side of the line saying she had good news for me. She was so excited about what she was about to tell me, that I had to force myself to be excited for her. You see, I already knew what the Lord told me and I was expecting nothing less.
So, listen, there is no need to fear anything, anyone, or any place that's coming against you. The Lord says, "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14:13-14). That means don't worry about Egypt. Egypt could be anyone, anything, or any place that has held you back or is trying to hold you back. The Lord your God is saying, fear not, I'm going to free you from that pesky, loathsome, evil Egypt. If that place is trying to stop your flow, I'm going to release the hold it's trying to put on you. I'm going to free you from that bond that is trying to stick to you, by that worthless place, because I have a land that is flowing with the greatness I've told you about; the place you've dreamed about; the people you've imagined, and the things you've had in your heart for a very long time. Yes, I'm going to give you a vast land flowing flowing flowing with much milk that will be nourishing to your body and abundant honey, which will be great for your soul. Oh yes you're in there. All that misery, pain, and bondage are now over. I am parting the Red Sea for you and there is nothing anybody can do to catch you. No need to even attempt to look back, because you will never see them again and they will never see you either. Your peace, your blessed dwelling place, and your time of harvest has finally come. I am the Lord God who has made it so for you. Thus, the Lord wants us to remember that and to remember Him also as we say goodbye for good, Egypt. Bye girl.
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