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'Besides protection, fasting unleashes power upon your life. Those who will take the call to fasting and do it in secret will fast-forward their misfit-to-kingship process. God seems to accelerate what He is doing in one's life when a person is fasting' (Casto, page 190).
My church started a fast last week and we were fasting for a week -- Monday through Friday. It was the "Daniel" fast in that we ate only fruits, vegetables, and we drank water. I participated to a certain extent though. Anyway, I participated to a limited degree, especially after reading this chapter. I haven't always been disciplined in the area of fasting I have to admit, but that's changing since I have come into new revelation of the biblical concept of fasting. On page 188 Casto says, "you can search high and low in the volumes of history and you will not find a man or woman God used mightily who did not practice the biblical discipline of fasting . This commitment to fasting is another aspect of do-it-in-secret lifestyle that turns misfits into kings. Jesus assumed those who followed Him would do this along with praying and giving."
I think what all of that means is that following Jesus and moving closer to Him requires a time of setting aside all the things in our lives that we can call distractions and sometimes those things move us further away from Him. I know they do for me. How about you? Casto says, on page 191, that the purpose of fasting "is for us to humble ourselves under God's hand." And Matthew 23:12 says, "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." Clearly that means that fasting helps us with humility, right? Another way of putting it is this: "we decrease as God increases" or "God must become greater; we must become less. Those scriptures and those two versions come from John 3:30. Casto also says, 'as we continue to humble ourselves by fasting, we get a clearer picture and perspective by seeing things from God's point of view, not ours and not man's' (Casto page 191). Consequently this chapter, Fast-Forward, is a chapter of accelerating the destiny and the plan God has for us. I found it really revelatory, the information I read about fasting, so we'll see where I go from here. And I'm glad I read this chapter. In fact I'm glad I reread the book and I hope you got as much out of this book study as I did. I hope you really enjoyed it. My objective in this book study was to give you more of the book than my input and i hope I was able to do that.
I think what all of that means is that following Jesus and moving closer to Him requires a time of setting aside all the things in our lives that we can call distractions and sometimes those things move us further away from Him. I know they do for me. How about you? Casto says, on page 191, that the purpose of fasting "is for us to humble ourselves under God's hand." And Matthew 23:12 says, "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." Clearly that means that fasting helps us with humility, right? Another way of putting it is this: "we decrease as God increases" or "God must become greater; we must become less. Those scriptures and those two versions come from John 3:30. Casto also says, 'as we continue to humble ourselves by fasting, we get a clearer picture and perspective by seeing things from God's point of view, not ours and not man's' (Casto page 191). Consequently this chapter, Fast-Forward, is a chapter of accelerating the destiny and the plan God has for us. I found it really revelatory, the information I read about fasting, so we'll see where I go from here. And I'm glad I read this chapter. In fact I'm glad I reread the book and I hope you got as much out of this book study as I did. I hope you really enjoyed it. My objective in this book study was to give you more of the book than my input and i hope I was able to do that.
For the next book-study I have another book ready to go. I will reveal that one in the next episode. I think it will be a blessing to you. In the meantime, take care of yourself and stay turned until the next time. Sharon Out.

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