Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post.
Well are you? Are you an overcomer? Have you climbed up mountains? Clawed out of valleys? Made it through fires?
In other words, have you been through anything that has been so challenging that's it made you better, faster, and stronger? It's made you the person you are today? If so, that makes you an overcomer. Yes, that makes you a trooper. That makes you an inspiration. Yes you, because you made it through and you are able to stand strong today. That's right, you never gave up, you didn't throw in the towel, and you never waved the white flag. And for that I admire you greatly. I love a champ. I love a winner, and I love a warrior.
In other words, have you been through anything that has been so challenging that's it made you better, faster, and stronger? It's made you the person you are today? If so, that makes you an overcomer. Yes, that makes you a trooper. That makes you an inspiration. Yes you, because you made it through and you are able to stand strong today. That's right, you never gave up, you didn't throw in the towel, and you never waved the white flag. And for that I admire you greatly. I love a champ. I love a winner, and I love a warrior.
It encourages me when I hear about a person who could have given up, but refused to do so. Doesn't that encourage you too? And I respect a person who gives God the glory for everything they've gone through. John 16:33 says, In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” That was Jesus saying that and because of the God who lives inside of you, you are indeed an overcomer and will remain one. Yes, I'm speaking that over your life, so believe it and keep believing it.

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