2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." So, there's no reason to look back. You have been made new in Christ. No need to try to bring back your old self. She has passed away. God is doing a new thing. No need to look back any longer at who you used to be, just focus on who you are becoming. Just focus on the new creation God is working on and yes He is doing something magnificent in you. So, stay rooted and grounded in Christ.
I've come to encourage you to walk with confidence in the Lord, because your life is changing for the better. Look forward and keep your eyes gazed there. The old you is gone and there is a new and better you. Be encouraged as you continue to seek God -- Matthew 6:33 reminds us to continuously seek Him and He will add to our lives. That means we will be able to walk with confidence in becoming all He wants us to be. Hallelujah.

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