Daily Devotional Podcast. Follow along with blog post.
Steadfast -- that's a great word for the people who are determined, unstoppable, unmovable, and unshakable when it comes to having faith, serving, and staying true to the Lord God.
We can't let life's struggles, pain, challenges, hurt, setbacks, and sorrow stop us from knowing God doesn't give any of us more than we can handle. He's with us every step of the way, because He still has a great plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). Being steadfast is another term for being faithful and also believing that God is not going to leave us in a state of despair, despondency, or a place of helplessness. No, just the opposite. He loves us and He wants the best for us so He wants us to be victorious. Do you believe it? You have to believe it, because God acts on faith, which is our belief and trust that He will do everything He said He would do. He will do all the great things He said He would do in our lives. Yes. We have to be steadfast in our faith in Him and we have to make steadfast moves. What if your blessing was also in your next steadfast faith move? Whatever it is God placed on your heart to do in your life, that plays into why we're here. So we have be steadfast and resolute, and unmovable and unshakable in doing what He said we would do.
We can't let life's struggles, pain, challenges, hurt, setbacks, and sorrow stop us from knowing God doesn't give any of us more than we can handle. He's with us every step of the way, because He still has a great plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). Being steadfast is another term for being faithful and also believing that God is not going to leave us in a state of despair, despondency, or a place of helplessness. No, just the opposite. He loves us and He wants the best for us so He wants us to be victorious. Do you believe it? You have to believe it, because God acts on faith, which is our belief and trust that He will do everything He said He would do. He will do all the great things He said He would do in our lives. Yes. We have to be steadfast in our faith in Him and we have to make steadfast moves. What if your blessing was also in your next steadfast faith move? Whatever it is God placed on your heart to do in your life, that plays into why we're here. So we have be steadfast and resolute, and unmovable and unshakable in doing what He said we would do.

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