How much do you visualize where you want God to take you? How often do you see yourself going to big places? Doing big things? Talking to the people you never imagined you'd talk to? Sitting next to a person you always admired from afar? What do you imagine for yourself? What do you dream about? What has eluded you, because you didn't think you were worthy of it?
If any of those answers are the answers that have stopped your flow, I've come to tell you that it's a new day and your vision is coming to fruition. Oh yes and I don't want anyone else telling themselves what I used to, which was, 'God this is just too big and it's going to take much work' and end up doing nothing like I did. I just sat around and laid around. I thought others had more of that something special that I didn't have. While in essence that had what they had and I had what I had. Our own gifts. What I've come to realize is that God has something for each and everyone of us. "Big" is in the eye of the beholder and differs from person to person. Your big may not my big and my big may not be your big. God has different bigs -- different plans for each of us. Yet, know this: no group of people has a lock on giftedness that we don't have. God has made each one of us in His own image and He doesn't make junk. He blessed everyone He made.
Click to listen to current podcast episode. “Never Giving Up” are power-words — strong affirmations that give us momentum and movement. That’s what’s up. We can do so much more in our lives when we have momentum and movement. It’s about standing, literally and not sitting or laying around feeling sorry for ourselves. I used to do that once upon a time and that sorrowful thinking is for the birds. We don’t have to be down. We can get up and get going even if we start small. In fact, I love starting small, because it helps set a firm foundation of habits and routines. Momentum and movement will help us get and maintain a position of strength to do what God says we can do. CLICK to get my latest ebook collection that will help you get MOVING regarding the things you want in your life.
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