flash. The battle is never over and the fat lady never sings ok? That means we
have to always strive to do more, be more, and let others see God's
light in us. Is it easy? You know my answer to that. No, it's not, but
still we rise. 1 Thessalonians 4 speaks
to living a life for Christ and it can indeed be a full, happy, and joyous life. God will ensure you experience those things. Know that. So,
just in case you think no one understands your struggle, because you
seem to be the only one standing for God. You're not the only one. There
are people around you who are standing for Him too and guess what? They are also routing for you. People see what you're
doing and many more will start to take notice. Stay encouraged and keep
moving for the Lord. He sees you and He's pleased that you are living for Him. "Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does..." (Ephesians 6:7/8).

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