I read John Maxwell's blog post about growth. The title is, Finding the Courage to Grow, dated November 29, 2016.
Maxwell says courage is the main ingredient to growing, because it takes so much discipline and commitment. Being average, he says, is part of the problem, because "average doesn’t require much more than showing up. Average gets you through life with minimal fuss, which makes it very appealing to some folks." That's a fact, isn't it? Sometimes I look back over my life, from what I was doing then and how much I'm doing now and let me tell you, I was pretty average. I used to watch TV alot (now I don't even have cable and for someone my age, that's a feat) and I procrastinated by constantly putting things off that I should have been doing like writing and doing more productive things (now I push myself to write even when I don't feel like it). It's obvious now how much I wasn't growing back then. I'm not that person anymore. I want to help encourage others the way I encourage myself.
Part of that encouragement/growth involves 3 sources, says Maxwell: 1-encouragement from others (our cheerleaders); 2-encouraging environments (home, church, work, etc), and 3-encouraging words (Podcasts, Youtube videos, books, seminars, conferences, etc). Today I go out of my way to do those things and they have all helped me tremendously in my growth. How about you? What helps you?
"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded" (2 Chronicles 15:7).
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