Do you devote any time to the Lord each day? Colossians 3:16 says, "let the word of Christ dwell in you richly..." We can all make time for the Lord, for He is good and His mercy endures forever.
There are many ways to devote time to God. It can be a few minutes or much longer. I use "few" loosely, because it may be literally a few for some and much more for others. To each its own. I do not believe God is interested in quantity. I think He's more concerned with quality.
Devoting time to God each day is meditating (intense focus) on His word and worshiping Him in some way, which is different from person to person. Now, I'm not a deep person, some people think I am, but I'm not. I like to keep things simple, so when I use words like devotion and meditation I don't mean something super spiritual like staying in a prayer closet for long periods of time. However, if that works for you, awesome. It's just not my thing. Personally speaking I use my blog posts for devotion, because it involves looking up scripture and ensuring I know the details and/or overview of its meaning. Sometimes my devotion time is a few minutes and sometimes a few hours. My worship time may be at another time like when I'm in my car or what may have you. It defers from day to day. What I'm trying to convey is to do what suits you and your personality. It's just important that we do something to get us closer to the Lord and dedicating part of our day to reading the scriptures can help us achieve just that. An article by the Institute in Basic Life Principles says the following about reading/meditating on God's word:
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly..." (Colossians 3:16)."the words of Scripture are living words. They contain eternal wisdom held in the shell of human words. God wants us to “break open” these human words and begin to discover the rich wealth of personal application and understanding that they hold. This goal can be accomplished as you memorize and meditate on scripture."

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