"In the house of the righteous there is much treasure, but trouble befalls the income of the wicked" (Proverbs 15:6).
Are you righteous? Asked another way, are you free from sin or are you free from living an evil wicked messed up life? Only you can answer that, because I have no clue. That's between you and God. I can only speak for myself and tell you that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my house is righteous for sure. Now, you didn't hear me say my house was flawless or perfect or anything like that right? And you won't hear me say those things, because that would mean I was crazy to think such things. All I'm saying is that my house -- figuratively -- has treasure there. No I don't have silver and gold around the house. But I have a blessed house, because the Lord lives there and no crazy hazy dazy goes on. Of course I wish the same for every person, but it's a choice we all have to make for ourselves. If you've been coming to this blog for sometime now, you have enough information about God, which is easy to comprehend and apply to your life too. It's a blog written so anyone can connect the dots.
The bottom line is that I just rather have a house rich with treasure (peace, love, joy) than one filled with wrath (anger, rage, fury). No matter what has happened or will happen in my life, I will always fight to have a righteous house, because I want to always know God dwells there.

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