Many of us don't like it when we're confronted with opposition or adversity.
It causes too much discomfort, pain, or is just an inconvenience. Yet, there are times when that pressure is good for us, because it makes us grow and in some cases it makes us grow up. You heard it said before that resistance makes muscles grow, which is true. Yet here's the thing: our muscles grow the most at rest. Thus, we can look at opposition and adversity as something that makes us progress more when we're in a "restful" state -- when we're not in the midst of the "trouble." You get what I mean? Put another way, when we're just doing our thing, grinding day in and day out, focused on the tasks at hand and we're doing that with zero stress or worry, then we are in a restful posture and our muscles (skills, talents, etc) are growing and becoming stronger. We are still making progress even when we're at rest (ie, at peace). "May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace!" (Psalm 29:11). Do you follow me now?
Good. Now continue on and appreciate the rest, because the rest means you're growing amidst the pressure.

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