Some of you don't realize how pleased the Lord is with you.
You're just trudging along and living your life for Him as you go about your business to get others to get on board. And sometimes you don't think you're doing enough for God. I know, because I feel the same way sometimes. And sometimes (not all the time, mind you) when I write I am talking to myself. I have to stress that it's from time to time, because my writing is motivated by so many things I am far removed from. I may have witnessed something or heard something and decided to write about it. My writing comes from many places, so who knows. At any rate, this blog post is about you and I. It's personal. And I'm here to tell you that although we may not be doing all we want to be doing for God, He is pleased. He is pleased with the people who didn't turn their backs when the going got "good" and the storm and battle were over.
News flash. It's never over and the fat lady never sings ok? That means we have to always strive to do more, be more, and let others see God's light in us. Is it easy? You know my answer to that. No, it's not, but still we rise. 1 Thessalonians 4 speaks to living a life for God and it can indeed be a full happy life. You deserve to be happy and God will ensure you are. Know that.
So, just in case you think no one understands your struggle, because you seem to be the only one standing for God. You're not the only one. There are people around you who are routing for you. People see what you're doing and many more will start to take notice.
Stay encouraged and keep moving for the Lord. He sees you.

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