"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid."
Don't get mad at me. I didn't say it. They aren't my words. They are the Lord's words and they're in Proverbs 12:1. I don't need to explain what those words convey, do I? Perhaps I need to remind us, so I'll do that then. They mean, the people who are disciplined enough to listen to those who speak knowledge (and wisdom), are the smart ones and the people who don't, are...well...stupid. I used to be stupid, really stupid, because you couldn't tell me nothing. I thought I knew just about everything, so I learned things the hard way by bumping my big stupid head into just about everything I went into. Now I am happy to report that I am smarter and wiser after life punched me in the face a few times too many. And this is the thing, being disciplined doesn't mean listening to just any ole body who has knowledge and wisdom. They have to be the people who have your best interest in their heart. In other words, every person with knowledge and wisdom needs to speak in love and from a caring heart. Otherwise they can't speak into my life. So, we have to be careful to use wisdom even with the people with wisdom. Make sense? I think the two go hand and hand --wisdom and love.
It's about keeping your inner circle, your inner circle and not letting just anybody in simply because it may seem like they're coming from a good place. It's about being vigilant and watchful. It's about being disciplined enough to being open to instruction with the people who are in the right place themselves and who are leading you in the right direction. Otherwise wisdom coming from the wrong person may not lead you to the right place God has for you. Remember, Solomon had wisdom (1 Kings 3:1-15), but that wasn't enough, because he made many mistakes and didn't use wise judgement (1 Kings 11).
So, yes we should indeed be disciplined and seek knowledge and wisdom, but wise regarding the people we let speak into and guide our lives. Those are Best Practices for life.

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