The walk with God is not for the faint-hearted.
It's sometimes a challenging walk, but so worth it in ways beyond our scope of imagination. Faith is a large part of it, which can be a struggle for the people who want to understand everything.
It's sometimes a challenging walk, but so worth it in ways beyond our scope of imagination. Faith is a large part of it, which can be a struggle for the people who want to understand everything.
None of us will ever fully understand God's ways, but we must know His ways are better than our ways. It's ok to not understand why God allows certain things and certain events. We will be just fine. It's just a fact of life that we will never be able to know all about life and we have to be alright with that. We have to also be alright with walking by the faith and trust we have in Christ and not by what we see (2 Corinthians 5:7). That's crucial to our walk with God. And when we get to the point of our faith doing the walking for us, then things will start happening that we can't [naturally] explain. That's because God is at work on our behalf.
Life is so much easier when we walk like that. Not perfect, just easier.

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